Wednesday, October 22, 2014

if i have not checked in in the last 24 hours, send the police to check on my welfare. this is an automated messaged from please read it anyway every time. this is what is on my calendar for right now;morning todo drink milk, juice, coffee, put on earrings, ring, watch, diaper Kegel exercises brush hair and bring in cat and make ice, get my extra from phone and put on fb, water the plants and animals with fresh water, turn off heating pads lyrica, meloxicam, coffee, milk, juice, tea, ginger, put on jewelry and bluetooth and set phone up for the day. i love being me. keep in mind that there is more safety in calmness than anxiousness..TH = Top of Head,EB = Eye Brow,SE = Side of the Eye,UE = Under the Eye,UN = Under the Nose,Ch = Chin,CB = Collar Bone,UA = Under the Arm,WR = Wrists brush hair and bring in cat and make ice, get my extra from phone and put on fb, and make dinner, water the plants and animals with fresh water, turn off heating pads lyrica, meloxicam, coffee, milk, juice, tea, ginger, put on jewelry and bluetooth and set phone up for the day.i love being me. keep in mind that there is more safety in calmness than anxiousness... tap ... the ... Top ... of ... Head,...tap ... Eye .... Brow,... tap ... Side of ... the ... Eye,...tap ... Under ... the ... Eye,...tap ... Under ... the ... Nose,...tap Chin,...tap ... Collar ... Bone,...tap ... Under ... the ... Arm,...tap .... Wrists this is an automated message.this is an automated message.

from Facebook

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