Wednesday, July 17, 2013

from blogger:i got an email a moment ago with the word friend in it. it may have been from facebook or anyone. here is the alphabet of what a friend is: A: accepts you B: believes in you C: calls on you, sometimes to say shalom D: does all they can to support the good in you E: envisions your future F: forgives you even when you want them to punish you G: gives H: helps you be better than you have been I: invites you J: just is K: keeps from passing judgement L: loves everyone M: makes changes as needed N: needs you O: offers whatever they can P: picks you and everyone up Q: quiets your feelings R: raises you up S: says lots of nice things everyone T: turns all faults around U: utilizes all your gifts V: values all opinions W: walks beside you rather than leads or follows X: x-rays your heart and finds love Y: yells sometimes Z: zaps you for fun.

via Facebook from blogger:i got an email a moment ago with the word friend in it. it may have been from facebook or anyone. here is the alphabet of what a friend is: A: accepts you B: believes in you C: calls on you, sometimes to say shalom D: does all they can to support the good in you E: envisions your future F: forgives you even when you want them to punish you G: gives H: helps you be better than you have been I: invites you J: just is K: keeps from passing judgement L: loves everyone M: makes changes as needed N: needs you O: offers whatever they can P: picks you and everyone up Q: quiets your feelings R: raises you up S: says lots of nice things everyone T: turns all faults around U: utilizes all your gifts V: values all opinions W: walks beside you rather than leads or follows X: x-rays your heart and finds love Y: yells sometimes Z: zaps you for fun.

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