Tuesday, March 26, 2013

They Judge My Children Because of Me | Natural Parents Network via QuickShareButton.com -


my neighbor is having her grandchild over for the week. today someone scolded the little girl. sissy was quick to put a stop to that. the offender told sissy that sissy had to leave. they were at church. i may give observations but i never tell someone outright how to raise a kid nor do i tell a child how to behave but for when im the parent or babysitter. im very strict and overprotective. i avoid hitting my children as much as i think i can. when i do spank it is according to rules i set for myself. if the child did something life-threatening like run out in the street it is ten swats on the but using my own hand. if i use something else, i have no way of knowing how hard im hitting and i may leave a mark. the first thing i do when a child needs chastisement, is talk to them calmly. second it is yelling at them. third is the corner and a serious talk. fourth is determined by how bad they have been. usually it is the corner and a lecture, but sometimes it is three swats by my own hand without the use of a "paddle" and a talk. these rules must always be followed. i never hit my kids with anything outside my own hand. i learned growing up that paddles and other things used to hit often left a mark or worse. i had many growing up. that was why the state eventually took me. sorry mom its the truth and i got file to back that up. parent training teaches the hitting is out of the question. this woman here seems to have the idea. when your child is throwing a fit and you hold them against their will to keep them from damaging themselves or others or property then get accused of kidnapping them. wow is all i got to say. we all need to watch how we talk to each other. we are to uplift each other. tearing down is evil

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